event photos aug.04

Flyers for events photographed in August 2004 appear below. A link to the associated photo album appears beneath that. 08.01.2004 Beach Club Sundays featuring Steve Thorell & Bill Pile Westport Beach Club Kansas City, MO 08.05.2004 The Pitch Music Showcase featuring Lester "Duck" Warner, Oja Lee, Pendergast, Wild Women of KC, Forrest Whitelow & The Crash, Ghosty, Blue Notions, Namlessnumberheadman, Sister Mary Rotten Crotch, Getaway Driver, Moire, Conner, Salt the Earth Vibralux, The Architects, 3 A.M., DC Bellamy, Brody Buster, Billy Ebeling, Jerry Dowell, Deep Thinkers, Descension, Josh Powers, Roman Numerals, Mac Lethal, Primetime Heroes, Steve Thorell, Hymns of Saturn, & Paul DeMatteo Multiple Westport Venues Kansas City, MO 08.06.2004 phocas bbq beatz 3 featuring Solaris, Synnister, Dan Palmer, Frooky, and others A House Gladstone, MO photos by todd & joe 08.07.2004 Digital Playgro...