
Showing posts from August, 2004

event photos aug.04

Flyers for events photographed in August 2004 appear below. A link to the associated photo album appears beneath that. 08.01.2004 Beach Club Sundays featuring Steve Thorell & Bill Pile Westport Beach Club Kansas City, MO 08.05.2004 The Pitch Music Showcase featuring Lester "Duck" Warner, Oja Lee, Pendergast, Wild Women of KC, Forrest Whitelow & The Crash, Ghosty, Blue Notions, Namlessnumberheadman, Sister Mary Rotten Crotch, Getaway Driver, Moire, Conner, Salt the Earth Vibralux, The Architects, 3 A.M., DC Bellamy, Brody Buster, Billy Ebeling, Jerry Dowell, Deep Thinkers, Descension, Josh Powers, Roman Numerals, Mac Lethal, Primetime Heroes, Steve Thorell, Hymns of Saturn, & Paul DeMatteo Multiple Westport Venues Kansas City, MO 08.06.2004 phocas bbq beatz 3 featuring Solaris, Synnister, Dan Palmer, Frooky, and others A House Gladstone, MO photos by todd & joe 08.07.2004 Digital Playgro...

august 2004 on decks

Here's what I have received this month on CD. Get me a copy of yours and we will have a listen and post a thought or three up here. Eventually, we may even create some sort of rating system or somthing. Until then, this is what's on the street this month! AC - Muladhara (DownTempo) contact: 666 Records This is quite possibly the best DownTempo I have received, ever. Get your hands on this! It is the first of seven mixes from this internationally known DJ. DSM - Alien Invasion (Hard Trance) contact: Good Stuff! I think he said that we was down for the party Essence from Minnesota or something. Lunatik - Space Docker (Hard House) contact: After having read Brent's Interview with him, I was anxious to hear him play. (Sorry if I'm wrong about the Hard House thing Lunatik, but.... it's definitely Bangin!) Offtrack - Learn Your Lesson (Techno) contact: Tamper Resistant Groove In your face! Never a dissappointing beat with Offtrack...

solaris august 2004 techno

photo by todd ~ Since Brent was rather busy this month and thought it was more important to let a dentist gouge out his wisdom teeth, I thought it might be appropriate for me to pick up the slack a little and honor his column idea with some good bangin Techno tracks. Needing some quick answers, I turned to one of our sponsored DJs, Solaris to see if he could throw a few tracks our way. Without further adieu, here's some tracks to take to the dentist chair with you. CORACHI - PANIC ATTACK - CORACHI7 Something for everyone here, The Rage is definitely bangin’ for the true headz, while the B side has more of a trancy / downtempo and a minimal track. Very versatile and all round good fun. ORION - DANILO VIGORITTO & D SQUILLACE - ORION005 Very good builder here, some nice sweeps, something we all need to help pick up the pace, or slow it to a chill night on the town. HYDRAULIX - D.A.V.E. THE DRUMMER & PATTRIX - HYDRAULIX25 Nice mix of techno with the old school flavor. L...

rob lee

interview & photos by todd ~ Having not heard from my friend in a while, I thought that it might be time to sit down and chat with him about where he's been hiding and what he's been up to. I first heard Rob play quite a while back at some unremembered party at a time when he was playing more trancier, progressive house stuff, but recognized an innovator as soon as I heard him. He has progressed musically quite a bit since that time and is now exploring the depths of Tribal House. You were born and raised in Albuquerque, NM. Is that where you first became involved in Electronic Music? Yea, it was just that underground scene. Back then it was basically the same group of people. Everybody went to the same punk shows, hiphop shows, concerts... you know. I was real big in to Punk Rock as far as NoFX, Bad Religion and Pennywise, those types of bands and I was also real big into HipHop, like A Tribe Called Quest, mostly that East Coast sort of Underground HipHop sound. I r...


Interview by Phelyne ~ Photos by Phelyne & todd ~ It's time to bring to the table one of Kansas City's most beloved female djs, cQuence. This woman has been a key element in the local Kansas City underground scene and has continued to be an influence for the past 3+ years. She has been one of the people responsible for providing a free weekly DnB night (Wednesday Perk at The Cup and Saucer) for more than two years. On top of a successful weekly Dnb night, she has performed for hundreds of partygoers at several memorable events hosted in Kansas City and all across the Midwest. There is no denying cQuence has made a positive mark on Kansas City. Knowing she has a lot of great things to say about our culture, I decided to sit down and talk with her for a moment. What musical influences have steered you in the direction of drum and bass? I have been involved with music since I was 7. I started playing the school orchestra (violin) in elementary school. When I was 12, I st...

jason buss

interview by Brent Crampton ~ What’s the most overlooked aspect when a promoter throws an event? Is it the lights? Sound? Air Conditioning? Well, while we have all been to our fair show of sweaty parties, the most often overlooked aspect of a party is the dj booth! How often have you walked into a party with lasers flashing all across the room with thick smoke highlighting their presence and a thick wall of bass thumping your chest? As you make your way to the source of the esoteric beat, you find thousand dollar equipment resting on a fold out table! Is there something wrong with this? Well Jason Buss, a humble dj out of Mason City, Iowa, thinks so. While he’s not dj’ing deep house and messing around on his coveted macintosh computer, you can find him in his basement perfecting his craftmanship in building the perfect deckstand. Buss has began the company, Foundation Deckstand (, to fill in the need for dj’s and promoters to have a quality piece...

datasphere kings

by Brent Crampton ~ photos by John Daminato & Curt King ~ As I sat in a Chicago apartment listening to Derrick Carter in a DVD describe his experience being a dj, it caught my attention. All dj’s, whether big or small, had to start from the same point. Here the pop-star of the underground house scene, Derrick Carter, was describing his first gigs with empty rooms and shoddy sound systems. Then opening up the entertainment section in “Newcity” mad and seeing Vikter Duplaix, Colette, Jazzanova, D:Fuse, Johnny Fiasco and Diz all playing in the same week, I realized that Chicago will have more talent play in one week than what Omaha will see in two years! “John, I’m loving it up here in Chicago - I wanna move up here” I exclaim. John replies, “the last thing Chicago needs is one more house dj.” “But John, you have so much talent up here it’s amazing.” He looks over at me as the draining voice of Little Louie Vega is in the background from the tv - “yeah Brent, there is allot of talen...

return of the rave festival

by BPositive ~ Photos by Kourtney Anderson ~ Since time immemorial, high summer has been the time when the tribe gathers, usually at a different cave every year. We hunt and store up extra supplies throughout the spring so that we can afford the long trip to the gathering and all the time missed from providing for our food and shelter for the next winter. This year’s gathering is only seven hours journey from our cave in an area that is full of forests, bountiful wildlife and is near the mighty Mother of all rivers. Many of our tribe are making the journey. There should be a large turnout and many new faces. First, however, we must assemble our supplies, cross the wide prairie and somehow cross the Mother river. When we get there, our tribe will participate in the many dances celebrating the great Earth Mother. Many great musicians will come from far-flung places playing strange and scintillating music that will hypnotize and enrapture the dancers. We will wander among the campsite...

august 2004 editor note

The cover this month is a photo that Kourtney took while at the Caveman Experience 2. Now that's a real caveman... hehe. The photo to the right, Sherri took while we were on vacation in the Rockies at the end of July. It was friggin cold camping up there. I think it got down to 40 one night. I was wearing my stocking cap on my head like that kid on Fat Albert, down over my eyes and nose. Ahhh, but Colorado Rocky Mountain High. It doesn't get much better. I did go through and put those photos up in a gallery onhere, for a little while, so have a look, post a comment or three and let me know what you think. The Rocky Mountains really are fabulous and if Teddy Roosevelt were still alive I'd give him a big ole' kiss for preserving these lands. If you ever get a chance, definitely go see. It's something you'll never forget. Anyhow... This month was kind of slim. I have been rather busy with other projects, but I did get out here and there. I played out again at ...