brent crampton february 2006 house

Now that we’re setting into the new year, it means that the Winter Music Conference is just around the corner. Most marketing strategies for labels at this point is to hold off on the goods and then hit the shelves right in time for March in an assault to fill every potential WMC’ing DJ’s bag for the pool side parties. But as for me, this means very little material to review. Yet below you’ll find some creamers, steamers and pleasers for you to consider.

C&M Productions – In Full Effect – Jan. 2006 mix

From Switzerland, these European deep house dons always keep their music fresh and free. And while some of us DJ’s can barely find the time to put out a mix CD every year, these guys have made a healthy habit of putting one out about every month, making it available as a free mp3 download and building nearly a whole website around the promotion of their mixes! Call them C&M Productions – the DJ duo who’s maximized the benefits of promoting yourself through the mix set. And if you like a track they play, you can always check out their play list. Check out and go to their live mix page to pick up their latest addition, In Full Effect. In every mix I’ve encountered of theirs, I heard impeccable track selection, smooth and almost predictable transitions. Highlights of this mix include Spirit Chaser’s “Visions” with its airy breath and C&M’s exclusive re-edits of tracks by Frank Roger, Julian Jabre and a special encore Jamiroquai track.

Noir vs. Nu Rhythmix – All About Babylon

Checking out C&M’s new mix, I came across this hot and limited number. Available only on, they claim this track is never going to be released through a label, so once the promo mp3 is off the site – it’s off to the Discogs archives. Grant Nelson does a remix job and incorporates many elements from the original edition, Babylon, which was made popular on the streets of New York. To the remixed issue, Nelson adds a solid message with a preacher-man’s voice proclaiming – “if you’re not in it for the love of the music, would you please f**** off.” Peak energy and peak piano for those hard-soul dance flo’s.

Kaskade – In This Life remixes – Quiet City Recordings

Apparently In This Life was a big track because Quiet City’s put out eight new remixes of it! The original track has that prissy white-girl vocal with the poppy guitar line similar to It’s You, It’s Me. I usually pass on Kaskade. His style over the past few years seems as though he’s focusing more on making chart topper tracks instead of tracks that sound fantastic as an end in its self. Not surprisingly, I passed on all the remixes, but Mario Fabriani, aka Joey Youngman’s mix caught my ear. This is mostly because Fabriani cuts out the vocal to only an echoed layer to a deep, sexy and chopped up track. My only question is – when is Kaskade and Madonna going to hook up for a release?

Franck Roger – Say You Love Me – Seasons

Right along with Alex Alivarez and Mr. V, Roger has been on the tip of everyone’s tongues most recently when it comes to the New York soul scene. News must be traveling because West Coast based Seasons is going to put out his full length album in late March (hmm, perfect timing for the Winter Music Conference). Say You Love Me is a track will be featured on the album, We Walk To Dance, and if it’s a glimpse into what the rest of the album will sound like – buy it! Say You Love Me brings the cowbells, subtle brass-attack and cool keys to make this a deep summer track. And instead of the usual soulful vocal, Roger gets a bit pushy opting for a Green Velvet spoken word feel when he demands, “Say it, say it – you love me.”

LC – Live Mix – Jan. 2006

Our main man with the house-mastered plan, LC, is keep his boompty dreams alive and well down in the good ol’ Midwestern stream known as Springfield, Missouri. With his Sumo Saturdays gig, you can find him combining sake, sushi and seductive beats on a weekly basis. On one particular Asian-cocktail-infused night, LC put together this livid live mix. With a delicious blend of tracks from artists such as Chuck Love, Swirl People and Jazzy Eyewear, LC’s pumpin’ pantry herb and spice track selection is deliciously mixed for your side of pancakes and buttered dance floors. To check it out, go to his site at


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