chuck palahniuk book tour 2015

On invitation to join a friend, I got the opportunity to see Chuck Palahniuk speak, when he stopped through Kansas City on his tour.  I had never made the connection between him and Fight Club; indeed, I have never even seen the movie.

I knew very little about what I was walking into, but I was warned that he tended towards rude and crude.  It really didn't go that way though.  If ever there was a means of vomiting your own words and thoughts, swallowing them, and then vomiting them out again, this guy has perfected the art.

We had a really good time and enjoyed his format for giving away free stuff. Everyone wrote their name on an opaque beach ball and stuffed glow sticks inside.

Turning out the lights, everyone threw their ball forward, turning the whole of the Uptown Theater turned into the popcorn-style lottery for him to choose from.


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