spin kaliki grin

Closing out the year of 2003 was a bit more work than originally thought.  The number of events were equitable to July, and a standard for the coming year.

It all started harmlessly enough at a neighborhood spot, with a new event for those in the northland called Northern Soul.  It was just a few blocks from home, so definitely an advantage, especially since it snowed just as we were leaving.

It was an omen for the rest of the month in KC, where cold and bitter weather found its way into nearly every weekend.  We managed to stay warm enough though, dancing our way through the month, until the last beat dropped well into the New Year.

A few others and I gathered for another showing at Undaground Illastrations the next night.  This little even was really beginning to gain some traction, in spite of its distance from the regular First Friday.  An indoor art showing, with cocktails, was much more preferable to wandering the Crossroads.

We headed over to the Empire Room with Pete Bones the next night, for a little pre-party for his CD release party scheduled for Kabal later that night.  We got to the latter event a little early and were treated to an unexpected bonus of a little modeling thing form Boom Bombshells.

I was right back again at the Empire on Sunday night.  The owners had offered up their place to host our 2nd Anniversary party.  There had not been one for the first anniversary of the first photos for the site.  I was not entirely sure at that time that there would be a second.

Initially, it was only going to be a year-long project, but things were just beginning to take shape, and with new equipment and fantastic support, it was hard to just stop everything.  I really appreciated support from everyone during the past couple of years though, and wanted to give a little back with a free event featuring a great lineup of local talent.  It turned out to be a really fun little event, with a great showing.

After a few days away, I found my way down to Davey’s to compare and contrast the second round of The United Tour.  The previous rendition of this particular event had been held at the Uptown Theater, to a nearly packed house of more than a thousand folks.  That massive show left my ears ringing for days.  This was not entirely different.  It was a packed house, but the venue was much smaller, and the show, equally intense.  They probably could have easily filled the Uptown again.  Folks were waiting outside, and it quickly became a “one in, one out” situation.

My ears finally stopped ringing by the time the weekend arrived, and I hit the road for a couple of raves going on in different spots.  The first was out in Lawrence, on what was probably the coldest night of the year.  The place did not have any heat, but there were some propane heaters inside keeping things relatively comfortable.  I am not so sure it was the safest idea in the world, but it worked out ok.

The next night, I ran off for slightly warmer weather down in Springfield.  If I recall that thing was in a strip mall or something.  I cannot seem to remember the exact location, so if anyone knows, hit me up so I can correct it on the map.  It was a ton of fun, and Kandice tagged along, making the trip a bit more endurable, especially with our little cranberry addition.

Passing back through on Sunday, I dropped by Porters for a new weekly, and then over to the new Club One51 on Monday.  I was looking forward to the next event for site, to be held there the following month.  It was perfect in size, lights, sound, and color.  The show was going to be fantastic.  It is too bad the owner was wishy-washy and ruined it.  It all worked out, and better, but more on that later.

I stepped away for the week, as Christmas obligations loomed, as they did for everyone else. Things were going on sporadically, but I just did not have the time for it.  I managed to make it over to out on Friday for a little party hosted by Boom Mod Group.  Kandice tagged along again for this little Christmas masquerade, but we must have arrived entirely too early.

We were a couple among two or three others, and quickly became bored with the situation, so decided to head down to The Point and give things a chance to get going.  We had a little too much fun there though, and never made it back, so I have no idea how or if it ever turned out.

The next night was as much fun, if not more, at one of the best spots for a little pre-Christmas festivities at ATMs.  Mele Kaliki Mellee celebrated the season like none other had before, or probably will again.  A solid lineup of local House music kept folks in the groove all night long and well into the morning.  Only one other house party matched the pace, a few days after Christmas in Midtown.

Between those two, while out roaming and taking care of holiday errands, I stopped in for brief intermission that included stop by Manic Mondays and Turntable Tuesdays out at Mike’s Tavern.  They reflected much of the trend in events too close to the holidays.  Those that had nothing else to do made it out, but most folks were just too busy.

I needed a small break after the Christmas melee, and before rushing into the chaos of the New Year, so ran off to my hiding place at the Lake of the Ozarks for a few days.  While there, I stopped in at a little place in Warsaw, caught a few tunes from a local band, and decided to snap a few photos.  The band was fun, playing mostly covers, and a few originals, and everyone seemed to enjoy them well enough.

The final week of the year blasted off to a relatively full house at Davey’s again for Submission.  It was not quite as packed as it had been for the second part of The United Tour, but every bit as fun.  I really took a liking to this little event.  It was so big city for this little town in the Midwest, and I remain surprised that it continued for so long without some do-gooder complaining, or the moral authority putting the clamps on it.

A couple of days of relaxation and planning set things perfectly for the New Year outings.  A couple of folks helped make things happen.  Kourtney offered to cover the New Year event at newly opened Chakra.  It looked as if she had a great time, and I was so glad she was willing to take that on.  As well, Joe got a new camera for Christmas and was itching to finally contribute, and took on the first half of Spin n Grin 2.  I was already committed to Frisky down at Kabal, and a wild night with the Lawnchair Generals, but as soon as that was over, I and many others made the trek out to Independence to rave in the New Year raving properly.  It was the best New Year coverage of electronic music Kansas City had seen, or likely will; well, the set from 2004 might top it.  We shall see.

Until then, view events from December 2003 ... and keep spinnin' n grinnin'!


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