castles caves and thunderbirds

A bit more diversity in the content for the site, and some new angles appeared in the lens, thanks to Joe and Kourtney, in July 2004.  They brought a different view of the party at a couple of events, and I had a chance to drop in on something different here and there.

The second day and first Friday of the month , I checked in on Frisky to dig a little Pat Nice for while, before heading over to the Point for that little party in the basement.  Meanwhile, Joe spent most of his night and part of the morning out at a little shindig in Independence.

Thunderbirds filled skies above Kansas City the following day, and I dropped in for some photos.  There were only a few though, since I forgot to recharge the camera from the night before.

B*U*S*H played at the weekly Evolution at Davey's.  Otherwise, there just was not much going on that week.  Everyone was looking forward to the weekend though.

Essence lit up the Stray Cat that Friday with Heather Hart, while local favorite DJ Steve Thorell kicked off a fun new night at Californo's down in Westport on Saturday.

Dismantled made an appearance to Davey's on Monday promoting their Post Nuclear Tour, with The God Project.  I also made a stop at the Empire Room to look in on BLO.  They had a full house, even without a theme for the evening.

All eyes were on the weekend though.  The second in the Caveman Experience series that would rave out the Shawnee Saltpetre Cave consumed the party population of the Midwest.  There was really not much else going on beyond that event.

Lingering in town that weekend, I got to play out at Chakra, and later dance the night away with those that did not make the trip out to Murphysboro.  Apparently, there were quite a few.

I skipped town for a week after that, to roam the mountains of central Colorado.  Trails, mountains, sand dunes, and castles filled my viewfinder.

The following weekend, and the last day of the month, everything was back in full swing.  While I made the trip back, Joe headed out to Lawrence for a little rave on the farm with a few hundred of our closest friends.

All of these events are now restored to the site.  You can learn more about them through their respective event post, or scan through all of  the events recently restored from July 2004.  All are spliced with various commentary, which I hope to update further in the near future.

There were also a few random photos taken along the way, not associated with any particular event.  Encounters is always being updated with that sort of thing, also hosting photos from events with less than five shots.

Have some thoughts about this column, or anything else related to the events or photos?  Leave a comment below, or on any of the event postings or pages of the site.

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