fresh babylon renaissance

Just as the summer was beginning to cool down, events in the area heated up in September 2004.  "I," an up and coming local band kicked off the month, debuting at Davey's on a Thursday.  The following evening we sneaked in a walkabout on First Firday, dropped in on Chakra, making one last stop at a birthday party downtown late into the night.

Meanwhile, Miss Monkey was up in Chicago enjoying Moonshine on Friday.  Saturday, she spent a bit of time at BigWig and Smartbar, while we enjoyed Ty Tek and a little Bliss at the Grand Emporium.  Her ultimate goal in all of this took the stage Sunday, with the Chicago House Music Association Launch Party and Softball Tournament.

In Kansas City, the same night, a Hip-Hop music event protesting then sitting President Bush, and the month was only getting started. That weekend Mark Farina came to Kansas City with his "Live at OM" Tour, turning Kabal inside out.  A stop in on Chakra kicked off that evening, that ended at an after party at The Stray Cat.

The following night Bliss got the evening moving, followed up by the grand opening of the new Club Evolution (formerly XO Club).  Just on the other side of town, Joe enjoyed a fun evening at Kabal with the uMove residents.  Late into the night, we arrived just in time to see the after party shut down.

A new showing at a Kansas City gallery fired off the next weekend early, which included dancing with uMove residents at Kabal.  We didn't stay out too late though, since the Kansas City Renaissance Festival was forecasted for the following day.

Mid-week following, we hit the street early on Wednesday, for a stop at The Cup, then out again at Davey's the next night for The Gadjits. Friday found us back at Chakra for a moment, along with Club Evolution.  We were destined for The Point though.  The cool dark basement had been beckoning for a few weeks.

The sweet sounds of live vocals filled the halls of The Stray Cat that Saturday, as DJ Collette entranced the house with her vocals.  It must have been siren sound, rivaling an appearance by K-Swing down at Kabal.  Either was a good spot to be, after a quick drop by Grand Emporium.

A night off, and some needed sleep at stepped into Monday night without blinking.  The Submission showed returned again in the early hours.  Late into the same night, the weekly party at the Empire was themed towards farmers and bull-riding.

Access to all of these events is restored. You can learn more about them through their respective event post, or scan through all of  the events recently restored from September 2004.  All are spliced with various commentary, which will eventually be updated further.

A few random photos were taken along the way, not associated with any particular event.  Those are hosted within the encounters album.  It is always being updated with that sort of thing, also hosting photos from events with less than five shots.

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