everywhere is somewhere tour kc

The opportunity to see K.Flay eluded us for more than a year. Every time she came to town, it was not known until the day of or after. Hope was nearly lost, and then came the tour in promotion of her new album “Every Where is Some Where.”

Tickets were obtained, and then another blow to the timeline. The date was cancelled and rescheduled four months out.  She had been nominated for a Grammy, and for good reason. The Suburban Rap Queen was quickly making a name for herself, releasing track after track over the last few years, culminating in the release of this recent album.

I first heard her more than a year ago.  “Stop, Focus” came over the speakers, while visiting a good friend, and I was blown away.  Obtaining copy of her catalog, the diversity of her tracks created a bit of an addiction; one might say a musical crush.  

It is much more than that though.  She is that good.  Listening to all her published work beyond the simple catalog, one can tell she is real, not to mention, extremely talented.  A chronological listening adventure unveils continued musical growth, and we look forward to more.

Held at a relatively new venue in Kansas City, the show at the Truman kicked off early for about 50 folks willing to ante up for a VIP ticket.  It started with a meet-and-greet with K.Flay, who was sincere, friendly, and genuine.  It was a privilege to meet her!

She followed with a brief acoustic set with her bandmates.  Always a favorite when you get that close to a performance, everyone enjoyed sitting on floor at her feet, listening to her render a few of her tunes in a more subtle format.  Indeed, a little hesitant at first, all were singing along by the time it ended.  There was more to come, but not just yet.

Warming up the stage shortly after, local Kansas City band Yes You Are played a fun and interesting set with their own diversity of sounds.  They felt a little 80s synth-pop at first, bleeding over to a sound inspired by popular alternative from the 90s.  We will have to find an opportunity to hear them again.

After a brief intermission, and lots of anticipation, K.Flay took the stage.  We were glued to our position throughout the entire show, only a meter away.  Part of that was the number people, but most of it was just not wanting to give up that space.

She hammered through track after track of her more popular tunes and most of the new album, along with the Harvey Danger anthem, “Flagpole Sitta.”   Everyone seemed to know every tune.   Only one, I had not heard before, but it was instantly a favorite. 

The entire evening was a fun and exciting musical journey through what had become some of our favorite tunes during the last year. K.Flay is every bit as good live as in the studio, and every bit as energetic as she appears in the public realm.  The source of her energy remains elusive, but we hope her return to Kansas City will not.  We look forward to "Another Round."

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