
... a monthly column presenting five random topics of interest associated with the underlying themes of the site ... music . dance . life . art . culture ... 


The Wall of Sound is the latest project from the Warsaw-based collective panGenerator, enabling audiences to interact with their own voice recording through infinite variations.  The interaction of light, sound, samplers and sequencers evolves over time too, bringing new voices and new sequences into the mix.


Zebrafish brain development never looked quite so interesting, until Antonia Groneberg's depiction won the prize this year in an annual contest hosted by Science and American Association for the Advancement of Science.  The winners were only just announced for all categories, along with video of the interpretations.


Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler examine the dawn of a new age for human life, suggesting that we are quickly reaching the point that even things like cellular exhaustion are becoming irrelevant, and easily addressed through bio-technical engineering.


A portrait honoring DNA pioneer Rosalind Franklin is the latest addition to the hallowed halls of the University of Washington Bill and Melinda Gates Center for Computer Science and Engineering.  Created by multimedia artist Kate Thompson, it is not just any portrait though, but one that preserves the memory and genetic data of the late scientist.



The restoration process is currently complete through November 2006.  Full restoration of all prior photography anticipated in May 2020.  The compiled version of photo albums will discontinue with December 2006.  Individual postings for events from January 2007 to current will resume after that.

Always looking to expand content, if interested in writing a column similar to this, any one of these topics, or have your own idea, leave a comment below or get in touch with the editor at phocas.net.


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