
... a monthly column presenting five random topics of interest associated with the underlying themes of the site ... music . dance . life . art . culture ... 


El Búho and Chancha Vía Circuito continue their exploration of the fusion of electronic music and traditional Argentina sounds of cumbia villera in their recent four-song EP "Pleamar."  The downtempo experience mixes wooden claves, stell pans, panpipes,Andean harps, sounds of jungle foliage and native birdsong to warm the soul.


Talia Favia seizes the opportunity to increase production and deepen her choreographic creativity not by finding the right person, but trusting instincts and creating space within her soul.  The process enables her to continue to be a part of a variety of dance productions  around the world.


A new study titled "Association of Neighborhood Disadvantage in Childhood With DNA Methylation in Young Adulthood" appears to confirm that children raised in communities with more serious economic deprivation, physical dilapidation, social disconnection and dangerous situations, display defined differences from peers in the way genes are regulated 


Thought toward and from Johannesburg-based South African-Malawian textile artist Billie Zangewa on strength, femininity, and the healing nature of domesticity.  Constantly challenging her own expressions through art, re-examining her past, present, and future to create unique works that beg contemplation.


Michelle Buzon, Purdue Professor of Anthropology at Purdue University and Bio-Archaeologist excavates the tomb of Tombos in the Nubian region of modern-day Sudan in an effort to better understand interactions between Egyptians and Nubians.


No new site news, except what you see here.  :)

Always looking to expand content, if interested in writing a column similar to this, any one of these topics, or have your own idea, leave a comment below or get in touch with the editor at phocas.net.


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