legally and artificially intelligent

An opportunity arose to sit in on a discussion of the legal aspects surrounding the use of Copilot, a relatively new artificial intelligence system taking over the world of Microsoft.

A hundred or so from the technical and legal realms showed up to hear thoughts from the Polsinelli team and Microsoft.  The lineup included Paul Bellacera, Microsoft Principal Technical Specialist, Lead Counsel Dale Kadlec from US Health and Life Sciences Division at Microsoft, Greg Kratofil, Jr, Polsinelli Technology Transactions & Data Privacy Chair from Kansas City, Greg Leighton, Polsinelli Privacy & Incident Response Vice Chair from Chicago, and Matt Todd, Polsinelli Licensing & Transactions Co-Chair  and Restrictive Covenants & Trade Secrets Litigation Co-Chair.

Hosts and speakers were warm, inviting, and transparent, offering their thoughts on the current state of affairs and answer a variety of questions from the crowd to the best of their ability, given the lack of true test cases at this time.  The only case cited directly was that of the Federal Trade Commission ban on convenience store chain Rite Aid from leveraging facial recognition technology for the next 5 years.

One of the key takeaways was their discussion surrounding the latest concerns associated with copyright law.  All were assured that Microsoft is committed to protection of copyrighted materials across their AI services.  Unfortunately, this stands in contrast with the history of tech firms making lofty promises and then abruptly changing their mind.  Remember when Google promised, "Don't Be Evil."  or perhaps, when Facebook promised the Federal Trade Commission that it would not share user data without explicit consent.  The point at which promises becomes a strategy to manipulate, instead of keeping a commitment, the only thing promised is the delivery of a broken promise.

The biggest takeaway - "Copilot is not Autopilot."

Coordinated with the self-proclaimed technology spokes-group in town, KC Tech Council, the affair included a light and tasty lunch from The Russell.  The presentation space proved relatively clean and well-lit, offering two massive screens for displaying various aspects of the conversation. If you missed any part of this discussion, you were simply not paying attention.

Thoughts from the team proved sufficient in itself.  However, they still insisted on imparting a few gifts in appreciation of our time.  One will always remind us of who they believe holds the power, while the other should provide additional insight on the available apparatus and implements in this new digital territory.


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